Monday, September 27, 2010

Surviving the Wild World of High School

It's not easy to be a high schooler. Believe me, it's tough. Carnivorous beasts bent on making life miserable, huge, double-edged cliffs called semester tests, and school food. Enough said. It takes some time to adjust to the wild world of high school, but once you find your "pack," everything goes a little smoother.
My pack happens to be the marching band, a pack of funny, cute little people. We're sort of like the meercats of high school. The popular, stuck-ups are the lion pride, menacing, dominating anything and everything they can get their paws on. Eveyone else falls into the categories of zebras(the wall flowers), the antelope(the atheletes), and the giraffes/ elephants(the geeks/nerds). Some are lone wolves, but they stick pretty close to one pack or another.
All in all, high school us just one big jungle I plan to survive. Hopefully, with a little less weight to haul around with me. :)
Until next time, au revoir!!!
Emily <3

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